Community Representative Group

Community Representative Group

Community Representative Group – consists of representatives or ambassadors delegated to work with the Administrative team by our local religious and non-profit organizations within our community.  Each church or temple or association is asked to assign one person to work with the Administrative team.

Mr. Pham Hung Kiet – Giáo Sứ Đức Mẹ La Vang / Lady of LaVang Catholic Church
Mr. Nguyễn V. Ngữ – Chùa Linh Sơn / Linhson Buddhist Temple
Mrs. Nguyễn Xinh – Nhà Thờ Tin Lành United Methodist / Vietnamese UMC of GR
Mr. Huỳnh Trang – Hội Người Việt Cao Niên / Vietnamese Senior Association
Mr. Tôn Thất Quý – Hội Cựu Chiến Binh Thiết Giáp / Vietnam Vet. Armored Association
Mr. Nhi Ngô – Hội Cựu Quân Cảnh / Vietnam Vet. Military Police Association.